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Stretches for Neck, Shoulder & Upper Back Pain Relief | 10 min. Yoga to release Tension and Relax

Stretches for Neck, Shoulder & Upper Back Pain Relief | 10 min. Yoga to release Tension and Relax

Welcome to this beautiful Yoga inspired routine for neck, shoulder and upper back pain relief. These stretches are designed to help you reduce tension, and gain more relaxation and body awareness. Gift yourself with 10 minutes, just for yourself! The exercises are suitable for beginners and you can basically do them everywhere. Either sitting on a mat (optional on a blanket), on a chair, at the edge of your bed or even outside while waiting for public transportation. This routine is also the perfect little office break in order to release tension caused by sitting all day long at the desk. Furthermore I would like to welcome all of the new non-German-speaking followers here on my channel. Most of you came through my 15 Min. Full Body Stretch and I am more than happy to share my practise with you with the help of these kind of videos (music only, no talking). In addition to my German voice-over-videos, I will be producing more music-only stretching and fitness content in the future, so everybody can join! If you have any video requests, please let me know in the comments. Thank you for practising with me! Mady NO ADS! As in all of my sessions, I do not put any ads within the video. So you won’t be interrupted in the middle of your workout. NO ADS! Wie in allen meinen Einheiten, schalte ich innerhalb der Videos keine Werbung! Ihr werdet also nicht mitten im Workout unterbrochen. Diese Yoga-Einheit könnt ihr ganz prima im Anschluss absolvieren: ******************************** Das ist meine Matte: * (und mit Abstand meine absolute Nummer 1) Du magst die Matte lieber in einem komplett nachhaltigen Shop kaufen? Schau mal hier:* Mein Meditationskissen:* ******************************** WORKOUTS/FLOWS: Meine Yoga Morgenroutine: Yoga gegen Rückenschmerzen: Verspannungen im Nacken?! Yoga Stretch and Relax: ******************************** EQUIPMENT: Meine liebste Matte: * Meine Vlogging Cam: * Mein Make Up 100% Bio- bzw Naturkosmetik * Mein neuer Mixer (macht die besten Smoothies ever!) * ******************************** MUSIK: ******************************** Für tägliche Inspiration YOGA, TRAVEL & FOOD : Instagram : Facebook: Blog: * das ist ein Affiliate Link. Wenn du über diesen Link etwas kaufst, erhalte ich eine kleine Provision. Am Preis verändert sich für dich rein gar nichts!! So kannst du diesen Kanal unterstützen und hilfst mir weiterhin kostenlose Aktionen und Videos für euch zu erstellen. Vielen Dank für deinen Support!
10 MIN STRETCHING EXERCISES FOR STIFF MUSCLES AT HOME ( Relaxation & Flexibility ) | No Equipment

10 MIN STRETCHING EXERCISES FOR STIFF MUSCLES AT HOME ( Relaxation & Flexibility ) | No Equipment

These stretching exercises for stiff muscles is a perfect routine for home! This stretching routine is amazing for relaxation and flexibility so whether you're someone who is not so active or very active, this video is gonna be amazing for you! It will help your muscles get strong, healthy, and flexible! Flexibility is very important to keep your range of motion during exercises! Doing this stretch consistently will ensure that you keep your muscles in check! Other benefits of stretching are decrease muscle soreness, preventing injuries and improve your posture! ⤐ Free Workout Challenges: ⤐ Filming Camera: ⤐ Filming Equipment: ⤐ Shop My Products: ⤐ Instagram Links: Music: LAKEY INSPIRED: Follow him here: License: DISCLAIMER: note that you should always consult your health physician before you perform any form of exercise, including this video. Furthermore, the title of this video is subjective and results vary depending on your body type and nutrition practices. I strongly suggest to make sure you check your form for each exercise with a certified trainer and you follow a meal plan to get to your weight loss goals. Perform this workout in a safe space. If you really want to challenge yourself and see results in 2 weeks make sure you are consistent and perform this workout 4-5 times per week over the next 2 weeks! Please remember that abs are also build in the kitchen and that you should be on a healthy balanced diet for ultimate results! You might build your abs but if there’s always a layer of fat from unhealthy habits, you might not see them!
6 Exercises To Relieve Back Pain In 9 Minutes - FOLLOW ALONG

6 Exercises To Relieve Back Pain In 9 Minutes - FOLLOW ALONG

Follow along with 6 of the most effective exercises to relieve your lower back pain! Nine-minute routine led by a physical therapist to help your back feel better fast! Includes the best back stretches and core strengthening exercises to help alleviate your pain now and keep it away later. Keep reading for more! ➡️ JARED’S EXERCISE MAT: Lower back pain is the most common complaint that I treat as a physical therapist. In fact it is estimated that 80% of us will experience some significant bout of lower back pain in our life. Luckily, the right stretches and exercises can significantly help to reduce lower back pain and quickly get you back to normal function. In this video, I’ve put together six of the most effective stretches and exercises designed to help relieve your lower back pain symptoms. These are the same exercises that I give to my patients in my clinic every single day as “homework” to do between therapy sessions. I know they are incredibly effective and can help reduce back pain considerably when performed regularly. The key to effectively treating lower back pain with conservative exercise is to stretch out the structures that are tight and strengthen the structures that are weak. In the lower back, this is best accomplished by stretching the hips and lower back and strengthening the core stabilizer muscles. And that is precisely what you get with this video! 6 highly effective exercises in a 9-minute routine led by a physical therapist to help you feel better. Grab your mat, and let’s go to work! 0:00 Introduction 0:35 Lumbar Rotation Stretches 2:45 Piriformis Stretch 4:45 Hamstring Stretch 6:55 Posterior Pelvic Tilt 8:25 Bridges 9:25 Bird Dogs I hope this helps you to get some relief from your pain! Of course I would love if you LIKED the video, SUBSCRIBED to my channel, and WATCH more great videos to help you back to feel better. Here are some other great video you may benefit from… ✅ LOWER BACK PAIN STRETCHES: ✅ 5 OF THE BEST CORE EXERCISES: ✅ WORST AB EXERCISES AND WHAT TO DO INSTEAD: ✅ FOLLOW-ALONG STRETCHING ROUTINE FOR BACK PAIN: ✅ 10-MINUTE CORE WORKOUT FOR BACK PAIN RELIEF: DISCLAIMER: This content (the video, description, links, and comments) is not medical advice or a treatment plan and is intended for general education and demonstration purposes only. This content should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any health, medical, or physical condition. Don’t use this content to avoid going to your own healthcare professional or to replace the advice they give you. Consult with your healthcare professional before doing anything contained in this content. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless T&T Digital Media, LLC and its officers for any and all losses, injuries, or damages resulting from any and all claims that arise from your use or misuse of this content. T&T Digital Media, LLC makes no representations about the accuracy or suitability of this content. Use of this content is at your sole risk.
15 Min. Full Body Stretch | Daily Routine for Flexibility, Mobility & Relaxation | DAY 7

15 Min. Full Body Stretch | Daily Routine for Flexibility, Mobility & Relaxation | DAY 7

Welcome to your 15 Minutes Full Body Stretching Routine! This short and well balanced sequence provides you with everything you need to get your daily dose of flexibility, mobility & relaxation. Feel free to implement this routine in your daily workout schedule to get the best results. Physically and mentally. I´m also really happy that you enjoy my playlist for this routine. These are the songs I used: Michael FK - Change L.M. Styles - Wait on you Faith Richards - My Caffeine Sarah Angel - Lakeview Muted - Belonging (it’s the piano piece) ___ Willkommen zur 15 Minuten Full Body Stretch Einheit! Zu einem ausgewognen Training, gehört auch ausreichend Erholung und Recovery! Daher steht an Tag 7 unserer Fitness-Journey eine wohltuende und ausgleichende Stretching-Routine auf dem Plan. Für mehr Flexibilität, Erholung & Entspannung. Ja, auch dieses Video kommt ohne Voice-Over ;) Bewusst! Denn entgegen einer geführten Stretching- oder Yoga-Einheit ist man hier wirklich mal ganz bei sich! Nur du, die Musik, dein Atem und ein kleiner Beep hier und da ;) Vielleicht öffnest du dich also heute mal ganz unvoreingenommen für genau diesen Weg. Auch wenn es nur ein einziges Mal ist. Es wird anders anders sein - davon bin ich überzeugt. Denn wenn es im Aussen still ist, wird es Innen oftmals ganz schön laut. Ich möchte dich ermutigen, dich einzulassen… Die Positionen zu genießen und zu erforschen… Gedanken, die währenddessen aufkommen, einfach zu beobachten…Gut sein zu lassen…Anzunehmen… Loszulassen… Zu sein! Darüberhinaus ist diese Art des Praktizierens ein gute Möglichkeit für einen Übergang zu einer Yoga Self Practise - also das eigenständige Praktizieren.Die Asanas und die Zeit sind vorgegeben, aber die Instruktionen sind dieses Mal dir selbst überlassen.Falls du also schon ein Weilchen mit mir Yoga praktizierst, nutze die heutige „no-talking-session“ doch gerne für eine kleine Bestandsaufnahme in Sachen Ausrichtung und Mindset. Was machen die Schultern in der Vorbeuge, wo sind die Hände im Vierfüßler ausgerichtet und wie hieß nochmal der herabschauenden Hund auf Sanskrit… ;) Das ist nur eine kleiner Impuls meinerseits, denn in meinen Augen bieten uns unterschiedliche Situation nunmal unterschiedlichste Möglichkeiten. Wir müssen nur genau hinschauen und sie wahrnehmen… und annehmen! Wenn du nicht dennoch sträubst, auch in Ordnung ❤️. Dann mache stattdessen gerne diese geführte Full Body Stretch Einheit (15 Minuten): Wenn du mehr willst, mache 30 Minuten Full Body Stretch: Und wenn du dich fragst, was erzählt sie da eigentlich, ich will mich doch einfach nur Dehnen 😂😂😂 Perfekt! Dann bist du genau richtig hier ❤️ Schön, dass du da bist. Alles Liebe. Mady 🤘🏼🐾 ******************************** NO ADS! Wie in allen meinen Einheiten, schalte ich innerhalb der Videos keine Werbung! Ihr werdet also nicht mitten im Workout unterbrochen. Diese Yoga-Einheit könnt ihr ganz prima im Anschluss absolvieren: Meine Yogamatte: * ******************************** 7 DAYS - 7 WORKOUTS Repeat this Workout Schedule for at least 4 Weeks to get the best results! Day 1 // Full Body Workout: Day 2 // Legs & Booty Workout: Day 3 // Intensive ABS Workout: Day 4 // Fat Burning HIIT: Day 5 // Booty Burn: Day 6 // Arms, Abs & Back: Day 7 // Deep Stretch: I am also working on printable workout guides, to keep you motivated and track your sessions! ******************************** EQUIPMENT: Meine liebste Matte: * Meine Vlogging Cam: * Mein Make Up 100% Bio- bzw Naturkosmetik * Mein neuer Mixer (macht die besten Smoothies ever!) * ******************************** MUSIK: ******************************** Für tägliche Inspiration YOGA, TRAVEL & FOOD : Instagram : Facebook: Blog:

©2023 by Catherine MacDonald.

All Rights Reserved. This site was not produced by Arbonne International LLC and is not affiliated with Arbonne International. For more details on income please visit

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