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Baking with Arbonne


Blueberry Lemon Baked Oatmeal


* 1 egg

* 1 Tbl EVOO or melted coconut oil

* ¼ cup pure maple syrup

* 1 tsp vanilla

* 1 lemon, zest and juice

* 1 Tbl chia seeds

* 1 Tbl ground flaxseed

* 1 Tbl hemp hearts

* 1 ½ c rolled oats

* ½ tsp sea salt

* 1 ¾ c non-dairy milk

* 1/3 c shredded, unsweetened coconut flakes

* 1 c blueberries (fresh or frozen, or sub another berry. I used frozen wild blueberries)


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Oil your loaf pan or use silicone loaf pan

2. In a medium size mixing bowl, combine the egg, oil, maple syrup, vanilla, lemon zest and juice. Stir well.

3. In a large mixing bowl, stir together the chia seeds, hemp hearts, flaxseed, rolled oats and sea salt. Then stir the wet ingredients into the dry.

4. Add the milk and coconut flakes. Then, carefully fold in the blueberries.

5. Pour into greased loaf pan. You can save in frig to make later or next day or pop into preheated oven now.

6. When ready to bake, place pan in oven on center rack, uncovered.

7. Bake for approximately 20-25 minutes. Pull from oven and allow to sit 5 minutes before serving.

I baked until cooked through.

Arbonne Chocolate Bark

1/2 cup Arbonne Feel Fit Protein shake- Vanilla flavour

1/4 cup Coconut oil

1/3 cup Agave syrup


1cup natural peanut butter

1/4 cup coconut oil

4 tablespoons Agave syrup

1 teaspoon Cinnamon

Vegan dark chocolate chips


Combine base ingredients and press into a greased baking dish.

Melt and mix all toppings except dark chocolate chips.

Pour topping mixture on top of base, sprinkle chocolate chips.

Chill for five minutes.


Vegan Cookie Dough

2 scoops arbonne vanilla protein (20g protein)

1 scoop arbonne protein boost (10g protein)

1 scoop arbonne fiber boost (12g fiber)

1.5 tbsp almond butter

1 tbsp agave (or honey)

1 tsp truvia (stevia)

4 tbsp unsweetened almond milk (to preference)

dark chocolate chips (optional)



serving size: 1



voila ♡ easy + filling.

can be eaten over the course of a few days...or all at once (no judgement)

Arbonne Protein Blueberry Muffins


4 scoops Arbonne Feel fit Vanilla Protein 

1 tsp baking powder

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 egg

1/4 cup egg whites

¼ cup Blueberries

1/4 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk

Mix all ingredients together in a bowl.

Bake at 350 for 15 minutes.

Makes 4 Muffins


©2023 by Catherine MacDonald.

All Rights Reserved. This site was not produced by Arbonne International LLC and is not affiliated with Arbonne International. For more details on income please visit

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