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Day 17



Check-in - how are you feeling?

Thank you to Stephanie Calhoun, Certified Ayurvedic Practioner and Certified Nutrition Coach for this post- she is a wealth of knowledge!

Check out Stephanie's recommendations:

Here’s a cool bit of info on our mind-body-skin philosophy and how to handle/manage depression and anxiety - the gut-brain connection - nutritional psychiatry/psychology:

We know that the gut and brain are directly connected but for years we thought that the brain was the power centre. In fact - OUR GUT IS THE POWER CENTRE! Your gut triggers the brain to react which then triggers the body to react.

Eg. If you are stressed the bacteria in your gut goes into fight/protection mode - it sends a response to the brain to tell it to produce more hormones that don’t serve you - like cortisol; inflammation in the joints etc. As this happens our body then reacts and goes into imbalance on all sorts of things. And add into this - the constant stress cycle - both internal and external. These “sorts of things” cause many chronic issues for people.

The great thing is we can make the shift in our gut to help with the ongoing cycle and communicate better to our brain to balance our bodies and hormones, and our psychological temperament.

We are meant to eat food but we need to supplement it to optimize our digestion, absorption and vitamin intake to combat “things” that aren’t serving us. The supplements that we offer aren’t just tasty. The products in your kit are supplementing the food we are taking in while we offer a variety of approaches to our foods or eliminate foods that are not serving you. (The book and the info I share below is such a compliment to what Arbonne offers you)

Do you know your Arbonne product's beneficial factors???

Have a look to see how your daily habits & supplements are supporting not only your body but your mind!

How to reduce anxiety/depression - by getting these vitamins and supplements into you:

  • Increase fibre intake = GutHealth Prebiotic Fibre BeWell Superfood Greens (veggies ) adding in more fruits and veggies to your meals and shakes

  • Add in fermented foods = apple cider vinegar; kimchi; kafir; plain yoghurt;

  • Add in chickpeas - to add in tryptophan, especially with a carb - lower GI carb mixed with chickpeas helps to decrease anxiety

  • Get Vitamin D - fresh air/sunshine (or taking a supplement…which Arbonne now has )

  • Take B Vitamins - Vit B1 & B6 - found in our Energy Fizz - Fizz Sticks

  • Have Vitamin A, C, E and multivitamin - found in the protein shakes - yes we have 20g of vegan plant-based protein BUT there is ALSO 20 vitamins and minerals in each shake serving

  • Take Magnesium - helps soothe the nervous system too - this is found in the CleanTox Gentle Cleanse you are having every 4 days

  • Add in Turmeric - highly recommend cooking with this and adding into your shakes (increase its potency by adding in some fresh ground black pepper - helps the absorption)

  • Lavender - aromatherapy

  • Passionflower, and Chamomile…there is chamomile in our CleanTox herbal tea. ALSO found in the SleepWell Spray (more on this soon) is chamomile along with the passionflower

  • Hydration - what’s our # 2 habit???

  • Take Omega 3’s (reduce inflammation) - flaxseed, hemp hearts, fish (actually comes from the algae the fish ingest!), and supplements like Arbonne’s Omega 3 Plus which comes from algae & flax

  • • Take Probiotics & Prebiotics - which is in our greens shot with the GutHealth Microbiome Support (habit # 3 - morning routine!)



  • Omega 6 & 9’s found in higher processed foods

  • gluten, alcohol, “white” foods such as white bread, pasta etc., artificial sweeteners and staying under 400 mg of caffeine in a day (a fizz has 55 mg)


HOW COOL is it that we are able to offer all of these BELOW anxiety/depression within our daily routine of supply offered by Arbonne??

©2023 by Catherine MacDonald.

All Rights Reserved. This site was not produced by Arbonne International LLC and is not affiliated with Arbonne International. For more details on income please visit

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