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Day 2

Happy Day 2!

If you struggle with bloating, I have good news, this product is for YOU!

Today, it's time to introduce you to our Gut Health! You know - the product you mixed with your Superfood Greens & Skin Elixir yesterday?!

Here's a FUN fact:

Ginger is traditionally used in herbal medicine to help relieve digestive upset. And, ginger is in our Gut Health!

Minding your gut's microbiome is a must, as this delicate balance of bacteria helps support favourable gut flora.

Designed to support the benefits of a healthy diet, this powder-based natural health product mixes easily with 250 mls - 500 mls water, so its blend of probiotics and enzymes can work synergistically with your body to help support gastrointestinal health.

Its ingredients include inulin from Chicory Root and 3 billion CFU of Bacillus coagulans probiotics plus enzymes that act as a digestive aid.

Take a look at all of the possible benefits having Bacillus Coagulans in your life!

It's time to debloat!

Drink Up!


©2023 by Catherine MacDonald.

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