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Day 21


TODAY is a great day to CHECK IN WITH YOURSELF. Listen to your body. Tune in. Are you feeling or noticing any changes to your health?

REMINDER - Your health is NOT determined by a number on the scale!

• How do you FEEL?

• What improvements are you noticing?

• Do you have more energy?

• Are you sleeping better?

• Do you feel less foggy or sluggish?

• How is your overall mood?

• And... how proud are you feeling about being a person who's taking control of your health!?

Never underestimate the non-scale victories and be sure to celebrate those...with some positive self-talk and a pat on the back!

You deserve it!

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beside are tips/ points that go with video.


©2023 by Catherine MacDonald.

All Rights Reserved. This site was not produced by Arbonne International LLC and is not affiliated with Arbonne International. For more details on income please visit

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