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Day 25



"They" say it takes 21 days to form a habit and we have all done that together but as we get closer to the end of our 30 day mark, some of us will continue on and follow another 30 days and some will move into the 80/20 lifestyle.

Today, let's focus on all that we’ve done and be very clear on where we want to go with these new habits. It's much easier to break a habit than keep one (obviously it depends on the habit and each individual but just go with me here). The reality is that habits like working out and eating clean are easy to do but they are just as easy not to do. Breaking a habit really means establishing a new habit. The old habit or pattern of responding is still there, but it is less dominant. I hope we are establishing this new habit and loving how we are feeling so much that we won’t be willing to go back to our old ways. Has the HABIT TRACKER helped you establish these habits?

We are ever-evolving in our thoughts, our actions, and our choices. Have you struggled with reaching the goals you set out at the beginning for yourself?

IF SO....You might want to change it up a bit.

  • REVISIT your WHY? If you didn’t do this before, maybe take some time to do that now. Write down why it is that you're on this journey and what it is that you hope to achieve from your efforts here. When you do, notice HOW YOU FEEL as you write these down.

  • How has your MOVEMENT been working for you? If you haven’t been as active as you want to be, ask yourself why. Is what you have been doing boring? Is it too hard? You may want to choose a different exercise. Keep in mind that when we are moving, we are getting our heart rate up and helping our body become stronger every single time.

  • Are you enjoying your food?! Choose some new recipes that you haven’t tried that sound exciting to you and make them! Try some new combinations of shakes or smoothies or smoothie bowls.

  • Are you speaking kindly to yourself? It’s so, so important to have positive self-talk! And that is the reason for daily gratitude.

Say to yourself over and over again. Yes, I can!

• Yes, I can!

• Yes, I can!

• Watch me!

Some studies show that it’s actually six months minimum to break or keep a habit and that's only if you're committed to the change and you are conscientious in your practice of a strategy for change. I am not telling you this to discourage you but hopefully, to motivate you to keep up these habits and continue truly making better health choices....YOU'VE GOT THIS!

©2023 by Catherine MacDonald.

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