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Day 29


Today, let's cover a super important topic -


As we are now in the last couple of days of the program you may already be planning out your first post-30 Days meal, HOWEVER, you want to be mindful as you start to reintroduce foods after your 30 days!

It is NOT recommended to just jump back into eating all the foods you have avoided this past month. The side effects alone will not be worth it. The whole idea is to identify HOW the foods you're eating are affecting you. And if you simply start eating them all again this may confuse your body as to what does and doesn't serve you.

Re-introducing foods one-by-one will quickly show you which food(s) you may be sensitive, intolerant, or even allergic to. Make NOTE of how the food makes you feel and if anything happens to your body/skin/mind with each food. This re-introduction phase should give you further communication from your body on which foods agree with you and which don't! You've already done the hard staying the course through this reintroduction phase is highly recommended so you can really get the most from this whole experience!


  • If you choose to reintroduce some of the foods you avoided this month then starting "DAY 31" follow these steps:

  • Introduce each food ONE AT A TIME for that day. Eating it at all 3 meals.

  • Give at least a 48 hour pause between each food being reintroduced.


  • Wednesday: have dairy at each meal.

  • Thursday/Friday: go back to eating the way you were these past 30 days

  • Saturday: have another ingredient that you eliminated all month at each meal.

  • Sunday/Monday: go back to eating the way you were these past 30 days

  • Continue these steps through the rest of the eliminated foods.

  • It is recommended that you re-introduce WHEAT (gluten) last.

  • Track any symptoms (bloating, gas, stomach pains, skin rashes, cankers, tiredness, etc)

  • If you do experience symptoms wait until they subside before reintroducing another new food.

  • Once you have completed all foods you can then go back to eating the foods that DIDN'T trigger any reactions.

Experiencing any symptoms? These symptoms are your body's way of communicating with you that something isn't working on the inside. The best thing you can do for your body and your health is to listen when it's telling you these things!


I've found now that I KNOW which foods don't serve me...the indulgence isn't even worth the consequence - TRUST ME!

©2023 by Catherine MacDonald.

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