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Day 3


Over the next 30 days we will be focusing on all the things our bodies need to help us feel our best! And healthy fats is high on that list!

WHY we need Healthy Fats?

Healthy fats is a major source of energy! They help to absorb certain nutrients like vitamins A, D, E, and K, and antioxidants like lycopene and beta-carotene. Your body can’t produce essential fatty acids, so it’s critical to ensure you are getting enough from the foods and nutrients that you consume.

TOP TIP: Look for opportunities in your day to include more healthy fats. Here are a few suggestions….

  • add them to your smoothie; in the form of a nut butter, healthy oil, frozen avocado , chia seeds or flax seeds

  • Use olive or avocado oil with lemon on your salad.

  • Sprinkle hemp seeds into your shake, on top of your berries or even your veggies/salad

  • Nuts make for a great snack on the go

  • cook with coconut oil, ghee or avocado oil

  • Add Fish to your meal plan once a week (quality matters here/another whole topic).

  • Avocado, eat it daily! Add to shakes, salads, or even as a side for dinner.

The big WIN is that by adding more healthy fats to your diet you will feel fuller and more energized throughout your day!

©2023 by Catherine MacDonald.

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