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Day 5

Happy Day 5!

Let's talk about hydration! Along with your Greens, Gut, Glow - we encourage you to hydrate!

Here's a TIP:

A good guideline is to aim for is half your body weight in ounces of water daily but I think all of us would simply do well to AIM FOR 2 litres PER DAY. Of course, it is normal to have an increase in bathroom trips in the beginning, but like everything else, you'll adapt quickly and feel fantastic!

Another TIP: If you have the Arbonne FIZZ, add one stick pack to 250mls of water whenever you need a "pick me up". With 55mg of green tea & guarana caffeine along with antioxidants, FIZZ will give you the boost of energy you need & you will hydrate too!


©2023 by Catherine MacDonald.

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