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Day 5


PM Tips. Sleep is a crucial component for self-care, as it is when your entire body and brain get their turn to rest, repair, and regenerate. Without proper sleep, we can begin to develop any number of imbalances.

Sleep routines are important and may include turning off technology an hour before bed and sipping on a cup of CleanTox tea. During this time you can read a book or brain dump (list all you want to accomplish the next day) Another strategy for great sleep is getting into cozy pajamas mid-evening, washing your face before bedtime, dimming the lights, and journaling all that you are grateful for. End your day the same way you start. With a grateful heart.

Did you Know?

Our CleanTox tea supports your liver, and it's your liver that "cleans house" while you sleep, helping you detoxify your body and your brain!

The products I personally use in my SLEEP (habit # 5) routine?

  • CleanTox Tea

  • InnerCalm Adaptogenic De-Stress Powder (this helps reduce stress - it has an adaptogenic herb called Ashwagandha in it) I will put a scoop of Arbonne’s InnerCalm in my CleanTox tea

  • SleepWell Vegan Melatonin Spray - this helps to have a deeper, more restful sleep

©2023 by Catherine MacDonald.

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