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Day 6

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As you’ve been focusing on your healthy living lifestyle, you may have found that when you are not at your home base, you may have faced some challenges in staying on track with your healthy eating choices. We all lead busy lives, and who doesn’t want to have some fun and socialization outside of the home?

Finding food that serves us better may present a few challenges. Here are some tips for dining out, entertainment, parties, travel, etc. You can do it! Just PLAN AHEAD and remember not to starve yourself or go hungry.

  • Check out online menus in advance to prepare your mind for what you will choose from the menu when you arrive. Don’t see anything? Call ahead to see if the restaurant can adjust or alter any menu items. When ordering a salad - ask for dressings on the side or ask for EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil) and lemon.

  • Attending a social event? Offer to bring something. Fruit and veggies; guacamole and chips, etc. something you know you can count on that fits your healthy food choices. Other people will appreciate it too - many people like to eat healthily!

  • Have something before you leave. Consume a shake or Arbonne Evolution® Full Control. Drink water or have a fizz. Have healthy snacks such as protein bars, almonds, or whatever you choose. This way you are not showing up and raiding the snack/food table because you have already nourished your body.

  • Pack a cooler of good things to eat so you won’t be tempted to make stops or excuses. I have the Arbonne protein snack squares and FeelFit Fit Chews as well as a travel bag that has my greens shot and protein packs. No excuses right?

©2023 by Catherine MacDonald.

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