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Day 7

Healthy Food
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You are One Week In!

How are you doing? Are you starting to feel more confident in your choices and actions? It’s interesting how quickly we start to recognize how your day-to-day life has been affecting you, both good and bad.

Have you ever been in a community like this before and told that you HAD to remove certain foods for the 30 days and that you had to follow “clean eating” and “detox your organs” plan? Well you’ll notice here we are not doing that because unless you have a diagnosed medical condition saying otherwise, your organs are detoxing just fine on their own- we are made that way.

However, all body systems THRIVE with certain components and we as humans can provide support to our bodies to help them function optimally. For example, our tea supports the function of the liver and kidneys but will not prevent liver disease.

It is important to note there is no such thing as a “bad food” and when we think of it this way- it can create feelings of guilt which can lead to disordered eating patterns- instead we want to understand which foods serve us best - which make our bodies feel best and work optimally!!

This group is here to add five (or more) supplements to top up and enhance what you are already taking in through your daily meals and snacks. They show us by indicators like feeling better, less bloat, deeper sleep, and optimal digestion, where we may have been lacking before and been unaware of the impact.

The five habits we focus on in this group are known to be key for all aspects of health - physical, mental, emotional. This shows us how good we feel and our body can function when you place a specific focus on simple daily habits.

As a community we are here to stand by you, support you and celebrate you in your journey of learning how this simple focus can serve you best. We will not judge if you drink coffee or don’t loose x amount of weight!!! Every single thing you discover about yourself while here is all about your self discovery. Allowing you to TUNE INTO YOU as you follow a beautiful path of self-awareness

  • You may discover you don’t do well with gluten . There are loads of ways to live without gluten.

  • You may discover you struggle with sleep and technology your biggest distractor - now you can focus on ways to change that.

  • You may discover you can eat dairy with no issues except in the springtime when it gives you more acne!!!

  • You may discover writing down your gratitude list in the morning changes how you approach your day- Way to go!!!

  • You may discover you have gone days without eating vegetables, and you may start to see the benefits of adding them in daily and how good you feel.

  • You may discover you’ve measured your worth in life based on the measure of your waistline. Just this realization alone might be the most important discovery you could possibly ever make. You are enough …….exactly as you are!

  • We are here as a community for each other and we are so grateful much that you’re here for YOU!

©2023 by Catherine MacDonald.

All Rights Reserved. This site was not produced by Arbonne International LLC and is not affiliated with Arbonne International. For more details on income please visit

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