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Wellness Club Kit: Prep Week


Products in kit:


BeWell Super food Greens


GutHealth Microbiome Support


Feel Fit Pea Protein OR Essential Meal Protein


EnergyFizz Ginseng Fizz Sticks


CleanTox Herbal Tea


GutHealth Prebiotic Fibre


CleanTox Gentle Cleanse


Introducing your Healthy Habits Tracker!!


This simple sheet will be your go-to during our time together, to help you stay consistent the best you can - but never punish yourself for missing out. It's about creating mindfulness. Tuning in and noticing what habits are easier for you to establish and what ones are a little more challenging.


You'll notice 2 weeks are covered with this tracker and all you need to do is check off the box when you complete your habits. We suggest putting this on your fridge, your desk, or anywhere that you'll actually be likely to complete it and keep YOURSELF A TOP PRIORITY.


If you are joining us for 30 will need to print enough for 4 weeks.



Your 5 SUPPLEMENTS we are incorporating are all included in your "morning routine" category:


  1. BeWell Superfood Greens

  2. GutHealth Microbiome Support

  3. FeelFit Or EssentialMeal Protein Shake

  4. EnergyFizz Ginseng Fizz Sticks

  5. CleanTox Herbal Tea


GREEN GUT DRINK: combine your BeWell Superfood Greens + GutHealth Microbiome Support into a glass of water (approx 250 mL/8 oz), mix well and drink it back like a shot or sip it like a drink .And, if you have the Skin Elixir Collagen Support, add this to your Green Gut Drink too and make it a Green Gut Glow Drink!


PROTEIN SHAKE: Feel Fit or EssentialMeal Protein Shake - incorporate your protein likely as your breakfast either as a smoothie, protein pancake, or pro-oatmeal (recipes on the way, don't you worry).


FIZZ or TIZZY: use EnergyFizz Ginseng Fizz Sticks either as your morning or your afternoon energy needs a little pick-up, enjoy a fizz stick! These can also be enjoyed hot and go well mixed with your tea - we call this a Tizzy (a great replacement for coffee).


TEA: although CleanTox Herbal Tea is technically not part of your morning routine unless you decide to enjoy it at that time (as a tizzy or on its own), you can also swing this component into your sleep routine by enjoying it before bed.


ADDITIONAL BONUS SUPPLEMENTS included in the 30 day package are the:


GutHealth Prebiotic FIBRE - this is used to keep your microbiome thriving and happy, as well as curb cravings and keep you more full for a longer period. Consider this as groceries for your healthy gut bacteria.


CleanTox Gentle CLEANSE - we will enjoy every four days on our 30 day journey. This supplement contains magnesium, aloe, ginger which all combine to create a beautiful cocktail to support a healthy elimination system and soothe any excess healing in your GI tract. This is safe to consume every single day, we just spread out the joy and consume every four days in our program. Mix with a bottle (1L/32 oz) of water and enjoy. I find that this dissolves best in warm (not hot) water, so mix it in 125 mL/4 oz of warm water, and top up with cold water (add ice if desired). Be sure to shake it up a little before every sip as the raw ginger won't fully dissolve.


Aim to complete every single day and keep track on your Healthy Habit Tracker:

1. MORNING ROUTINE - complete your supplement intake as your daily starter:

  • Green Gut Drink (or Green Gut Glow Drink if you have Skin Elixir)

  • Protein Shake

  • Energy Fizz OR Tizzy


2. HYDRATION - 2 litres of water DAILY


3. MOVEMENT- aim for 30 minutes (less if necessary) EVERY DAY, to do some type of movement that you enjoy - dancing, walking, cycling, zumba, yoga, strength training, pilates etc. If you need to break it up - then do that too. 30 minutes is the goal. Reminder, be kind to yourself and listen to your body.

4. GRATITUDE - write down 3 things each morning that you're grateful for today - it's the little things that can mean so much - like a beautiful sunrise, fresh sheets on the bed, walks with your dog, etc.

5. SLEEP - getting quality sleep in check is crucial to all things healthy. Sleep is likely the most underrated healthy habit there is! Enjoy your herbal tea in the evening to support good sleep hygiene. More info on getting quality sleep will be shared during the program.


During your journey, we want to help you optimize your results and help you feel at your best!



Every morning we are going to focus on starting our day with our Green Gut Shot. This will be followed by a FeelFit Pea Protein Shake (if you have the fibre, feel free to add it into your morning shake). Starting your day with Arbonne's plant-powered nutrition will help you to stay full throughout the day, help stabilize your glycemic index, give you more energy, and help you focus on getting more minerals and vitamins for each morning meal!



If you are suspecting that certain foods truly aren't serving you and you'd like to experiment with making some simple shifts to see if you feel improvements, here are some additional suggestions to level up your time here.


Remove Coffee - for 30 days and replace with a Fizz stick, a Tizzy (EnergyFizz Ginseng Fizz Stick mixed with a cup of our CleanTox Herbal Tea), an Organic Herbal Tea, or a cup of Dandy Blend (dandelion root hot beverage that tastes like instant coffee).


Remove one or all of the following food groups:

  • Gluten

  • Dairy

  • Sugar

  • Soy

  • Alcohol


Eliminating the above acidic food groups for a 10-30 day period can help your body reduce inflammation, help to boost your energy levels, reduce brain fog, bloating, moodiness, headaches, etc. Challenge yourself a little. Although this isn't a "MUST" over our time together, this could be an excellent way to explore how foods truly do affect you. Pay mindful attention to how you feel without these items in your regular dietary intake.

This is part of INTUITIVE EATING. It's time to TUNE INTO YOU.

Recipe Book

Smoothie Book

Helpful Tips


Sample Day:


©2023 by Catherine MacDonald.

All Rights Reserved. This site was not produced by Arbonne International LLC and is not affiliated with Arbonne International. For more details on income please visit

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